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A rough month

Yes, it has been a while since my last posting due to so many reasons! The dreaded stomach flu finally hit me then my mother and brother...

In the Moment

I am loving this verse and all that it stands for. Have you ever wondered why things in your life keep happening to you? You hear the...

Cleanse and Restart

So this year I decided to start the year by cleansing and restarting my body in hopes to make 2018 the year that I really put my health...

Using your imagination

This verse has weighed heavily on my heart recently. It's funny how sometimes it feels like you are being told something from so many...

You can Choose

This Sunday at church our pastor gave a sermon that really spoke to me. He said that you can choose to embrace the weather or you can...

A New Year and new challenges

Every New Year people set resolutions for things they want to change and do better the following year. The problem is, by the end of...


This was my verse in my devotions this morning and for some reason, it has really spoken to me to share this with you. Sometimes it...


Sometimes life gets busy. Well, for me, I feel like my life is always busy. For this reason I often tend to let the relationships in my...

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