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  • Writer's pictureStephanie

A New Year and new challenges

Every New Year people set resolutions for things they want to change and do better the following year. The problem is, by the end of January, most everyone has slipped up or forgotten those resolutions and moved on.

I don't like to set resolutions. Things happen in life. Diets get messed up, life gets busy and exercise doesn't happen, what once once organized becomes a mess get my point. For this reason, my focus this year is on challenges.

You may have heard me talk about about this in previous blogs. I love a good challenge because I am very competitive and I like to win lol. So the word 'Challenge' is perfect for me because I know it's something I can work on beating. The first thing I have done differently this year is written down my challenges in my prayer book. Putting the words to paper gives me accountability to stay focused. My first 2 challenges were on reconnecting with others and relying more on my faith and less on my fear.

My 3rd challenge will be to spend some time on personal development, I want to focus on growing my learning for business, in faith and for my health. I love learning, yes I was that nerdy kid who looked forward to going back to school! I feel so proud when I learn something new and this year I want to go back to being a kid and remember that feeling.

My 4th challenge is in my business, I want to reach a new rank. As an introvert, it's often hard for me to put myself out there. I have so much I want to teach and share about doTERRA with others but I don't always share the way I should. This is probably the hardest challenge on my list for me but I am determined to make it work!

My last challenge is to do less. Yup, to say 'No' and to stop doing everything. I have crazy OCD with my work and my household and it leaves me no time to rest because I am always doing what other people are not. I have found this has made me a doormat that others are beginning to take advantage of. Does anyone else have this problem? I can't say no to anyone and if I do, I feel guilty even if it means taking away from my own things I have going on in life. Enter in my last challenge for myself and I am going to practice stepping away and doing less. (Let's see how long this one lasts!)

Throughout this next year you will see me refer to these challenges quite a bit. I hope that helps you to see that by writing down what is important to you and bringing them notice that you can continue to work on your life all the time. Even though 'New Year's' may be over next week, you still have 365 days of new opportunities coming to you. Make them count.

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