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  • Writer's pictureStephanie

In the Moment

I am loving this verse and all that it stands for. Have you ever wondered why things in your life keep happening to you? You hear the phrase "You were born for this" and you think, "Really?" I love the idea of thinking that in moments of your life, you have the opportunity to make that difference or to make something happen. That sometimes that one moment creates a dramatic shift in your life and in the lives of others and you were put there to make that happen. Sounds a little deep for early morning doesn't it?

Maybe so, but I'm coming to a time in my life where things are beginning to shift and change. Priorities are moving around, people are drifting in and out and you are finding out what it is that truly matters and where you are meant to be. During this time, knowing that you were placed in this role and this time of your life to live it for a reason really helps to put all of those things into perspective. Changes are scary and sometimes uncertain. They can be good or what you think is terrible at the time. However, everything was designed and knowing that the moment you are living was created especially for you to live through makes it all a little easier to work through.

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