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  • Writer's pictureStephanie

Cleanse and Restart

So this year I decided to start the year by cleansing and restarting my body in hopes to make 2018 the year that I really put my health first. I ordered all my products through doTERRA because I love that their cleanse is actually a 30 day program which was designed to gradually prepare your body for the changes and then build it back up again to everything it needs. I have also decided to focus on healthier food choices and exercise during this time as well as working on making sure I get the proper nights sleep.

Yesterday was Day 1 and I have to say it wasn't nearly as bad as I was afraid it might be! I was a little shy of my 10,000 step goal (8,400) and I did have a sub for lunch because my husband brought it home and hey, who can resist an Italian coldcut? All in all though it went really well and I feel really good this morning and ready to keep going.

I have found that I don't do diets and restrictions well. I can't keep up with the programs and I end up messing up, getting upset and then stopping altogether. So that is why I vowed that this time would be totally different. I am starting out gradual with the 'Pre-Cleanse' phase if you will and then moving into the harder part in order to get my body used to the changes. I think this is works in life too. Sometimes when we know we need to make a change it's better to take those baby steps, especially if we are uncomfortable with it. If we throw ourselves out there we get upset the first time we slip up. Making the choice to change is big enough without the added pressure!

So here is my challenge for you...what is one thing you want to change? Don't do it tomorrow, sit down and write out the steps you need to follow to change then take it slowly, a couple of days at a time. Then hold yourself accountable, write down and track your progress somewhere where you can see it each day. Then, when you are done and look back, you can see how amazing you really are!

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