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  • Writer's pictureStephanie

Welcome to my life with essential oils!

When I first heard about essential oils I was completely skeptical. My husband even called them my voodoo and "black magic"! You see, since my youngest was born in December he was naturally born with a horrible cough that landed us in and out of the hospital and doctors offices on and off weekly throughout the first four months of his life. We paid so much in hospital bills they should have named a room after us!

Then last December I attended a class on using essential oils. At that point, I was desperate and ready to try anything to not have a repeat of the previous year. I purchased my starter pack and my diffuser, plugged it into my son's room and sat back waiting to see if I wasted my money. I was amazed that within a week, his coughing at night had significantly improved (and so had my sleep!).

I thought, "This is crazy!" but went and bought 2 more diffusers for our room and my oldest. My oldest son at the time was having terrible night terrors and was waking up throughout the night crying and screaming, forcing one of us to have to go and sleep with him in his room. The first night with the Lavender in his room created a WHOLE NIGHT of no waking up. I couldn't believe it! No children awake in the middle of the night? AMEN!

The next night and I put the one in our room on. I have always struggled with sleep, even as a child. I toss and turn all night long and have even been known to punch my husband in my sleep (sorry babe!). So when I checked out my sleep tracker the next day on my FitBit, I was amazed to see more deep blue lines than ever before, proving a deeper and more restful nights sleep. Now, I was a true believer!

If you are ready to see how essential oils can begin working in your life, send me a message and keep checking out the blog to follow our journey.

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