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  • Writer's pictureStephanie

You can Choose

This Sunday at church our pastor gave a sermon that really spoke to me. He said that you can choose to embrace the weather or you can choose to complain. I have always been one to tell everyone that I have seasonal depression. I hate cold weather with a passion and always have-give me a beach and 90 degrees any day of the week!

However, this sermon really spoke to my challenges for myself for this upcoming year. Every day we make a choice to be happy or be miserable. When you wake up in the morning most people are not happy about having to get ready to go to work. But does your day get any better if you complain about it and are miserable? The thought of getting dressed on this freezing cold morning (temps in single digits :( ) does not appeal to me AT ALL.

On the other hand, I know that when I arrive at work I will not be alone in my feelings. We could all spend the day complaining together or we can make the best of it and be happy to catch up from our stories about break. Every day we have to make a choice when we get up and yes, things will do their best to change our feelings, but it's how we handle and approach them that makes the biggest difference.

What will you choose today?

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