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  • Writer's pictureStephanie


This was my verse in my devotions this morning and for some reason, it has really spoken to me to share this with you. Sometimes it feels like I am completely overwhelmed and just beaten down with everything. My job is not going well, the boys are fighting at home, my husband is out of town, the house is a mess and I have not had 2 minutes of peace.

During these times it is hard for me to remember that through it all, I am not really alone. I try to take on so much myself that it can feel like I am on an island. This verse has really called me to remember that, when I fall, I can get back up again and keep going. I am never truly on my own and I need to continue to walk with my faith. How hard is this to do? For me, it's the most difficult part of my life. Faith does not come easy to me, it's something I struggle with every day. It's something I need to continue to grow with and remember.

I have decided for me, this is Challenge #2 for 2018. To keep faith in the front of my heart and mind and to remember that when I am knocked down, I will never be destroyed.

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