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  • Writer's pictureStephanie


Sometimes life gets busy. Well, for me, I feel like my life is always busy. For this reason I often tend to let the relationships in my life slip up- spending time with my husband, answering and calling friends, playing with my boys, making time for me...they are all things that get pushed to the back when I have a huge to-do list and they don't ever get the attention they deserve.

Yesterday my husband and I spent the day together. We had 6 hours by ourselves, and if you know us, that is a long time. We started the day with no idea what to do. We sat in a restaurant eating breakfast almost in silence. This terrified me. When did we become too busy to talk with one another? I became frustrated and scared. We had simply lost the ability to connect because we never had the chance anymore and we forgot how.

Many people this week will make New Years resolutions to do or change so many things in their lives. Do you have people on that list? Have you thought about the important people in your life and made them a part of your plan for the New Year? I realized yesterday that I had completely isolated myself from everyone by trying to take on too much and be everything for everyone. You have to let in the people that matter the most to you. It's the people in your life that make everything better.

I'm terrible at setting New Year's resolutions and goals. Instead, I'm creating challenges for myself (I do love to win :) ) My Challenge #1 is to reconnect with those in my life I have let slip away. I want to think about those who played such important roles for me and take the time to reach out and make time for them. As a natural introvert this will definitely be a challenge for me but I am ready. Are you with me?

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